
Panagiotis Siagris (Siagreece)

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An Amazing Critic by Manos Stefanides about Siagreece:

Imagine an ingenious but desperate architect designing homes, industrial spaces, studios, postmodern offices with endless stairs, generally buildings that are never to be inhabited, thus, the desperation. As there is no one left anymore to bear the weight of inhabitation as an aesthetic proposal with regard to being.  “Architecture of Scattered Life” the ingenious title offered by
N. G. Pentzikis could encapsulate everything existing today. Is it possible that images could keep up the appearances of being, when everything else is falling apart? Now, imagine the same architect, even more desperate as a result of the general urban environment dystopia, filling the buildings of his own design with color, in an attempt to capture the elusive energy, the drama
of spaces abandoned by people. Does this scenario seem too futuristic?…
I am afraid that after the crisis, which is primarily ideological and cultural, a space’s “fluid” elements are much more stable –and reconstructible– than a design’s fixed and unaltered elements.

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This setting of uncertainty with dominating details and lost basic themes comprises the fundamental question Panagiotis Siagreece poses in this visual module. Meaning that it is painting after painting, a visual proposal that is aware of the twentieth century foundation conquests, from abstraction to dripping and surrealism to informel, which, however, is striving to detach itself from them –and just utilize them as a means of technical know-how– so as to speak in a different way, convey the agony of a different era, such as the contradiction between the diffused crisis and ever present prosperity, the problem of reconstruction and illusionism that no longer saves the work of art, as well as our need of a painting that is new and ancient at the same time.  In module “Ten Years Later,” Siagreece offers a visual reflection which toys with the appearance and being of things while combining a well designed architectural framework with the enigmatic liquid of a painting material that has yet to decide for itself. What could be happening in a closed room now that its tenants are gone? What are the paintings of light and dark on the empty walls and misty glass surfaces? What remnants of time catch up with fluid elements of space? Which is the energy that haunts this scattered architecture, this inverted life? What is the tale untold behind it all?You are sure to feel it once you see Siagreece’s paintings…”

Manos Stefanides 2014